A social gamer’s view of the future…

Social Gaming will never be the same after tomorrow. GreenSpace, our first game at RocketOwl (although I am not involved on a daily basis, I am part of the founding members), takes off in its beta version in just about 24 hours. Its an environmental social game designed for maximum fun while sending a clear message about the responsibility that we each have for the quality of the environment that we pass onto our children.

What will be interesting to me will be player’s reactions to our “projected” views of what renewables and cleaning our environment may look like in the future. There are a vast number of extremely neat features (and I’ve only had a sneak peek myself) which are truly engaging and entertaining, all the while causing us to pause and think of what it means to keep our environment clean.

The game play will entice young and old, male and female, and though I won’t give out any tidbits here, we can’t wait to get people’s feedback on it.

So as you can imagine, people are wondering if I am focused or not on my mandates at Sunlogics, and so I thought I’d just do it on this blog. ABSOLUTELY! Nothing has stopped me from continuing to engage with our team on a variety of mandates, with the full support of our CEO. It is that focus on business fundamentals in the areas of marketing and innovation that have prevented me from engaging as I had been in the area of investor relations. Whether or not I re-engage in that sphere will depend on what the future organizational structures look like and where my passions lead me. Much work is being done behind the scenes, and although it may seem quiet to many (and I do agree with some shareholders that we could do a better job of letting them know what is happening), it is my hope that this work will lead to better fundamentals for the business plans.

It is interesting, on a personal note, that after about a year as part of these organizations (either actively or passively), that this late spring is the time when the universe chose for things to be coming to a head. And yes, I do agree with some who have commented that this solar blog is in need of revamping (I think I’ve danced with butterflies long enough), so I might just get some help in repositioning it more as one which is involved in sustainable solutions, whether energy or other “cleantech” topics.

Adios from California…


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