The values of a Millenial generation, and how it will affect everything...
People in particular industries are framing the argument between new entrants vs established players as a very personal issue of what societies want. Well, they are right. It is a very personal issue of what a new generation values. And they are wrong. It is not going to resolved by name-calling at newbies like Airbnb, Uber, Grow (Fintech) or others as "cheats." Below are a few cases in point which should help illustrate my point:
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PRESS RELEASE – MONTREAL – SEPT 18TH, 2023 UberEnergies is pleased to announce an agreement with Koben Systems Inc. for the deployment of Koben’s GENIUS intelligent […]
Stay tuned here for updates on the worlds first residential, solar powered, geothermal, V2H, VPP,intelligent electrical panel, smart lighting and more efficiency measures that you can […]
How does an organization innovate when its’ culture is rigidly entrenched in “this is how it’s done here” mentality? Enable your innovators, so they become contributors VS […]
There are three types of industries in the environmental space: Those that dirty the environment. Those that clean up the environment. Those that wish to prevent […]