Your TIME has come…

Youtube has been part of the democracy that the internet has become. WE can get to YOU or YOU can get to WE. No longer is the communication channel controlled by a few big wigs whether in Hollywood, New York, London or any other media centre.
And so now comes word that TIME magazine has selected YOU to be the TIME PERSON OF THE YEAR. So here I am wondering how TIME decided that 2006 is the year for this accolade vs prior ones? Is it because somebody came up with the brilliantly simple idea of giving us all a giant, free, poster-board to put up whatever we thought of relevance and let the world make that decision? Didn’t we all have that ability before?
So what is it that makes the sudden growth in internet space sites like YOUTUBE, MYSPACE, FLIKR suddenly make us a person of the year? Is it simply recognition by one of the most traditional media that their “time” has come?
I believe that if we look deeper, it relates back to everyone’s desire to participate in something BIG. These brilliant websites are amazing in their simplicity and that’s what attracts people to them. Rather than the demanding and lonely setting up of one’s own site to post pictures, movies or whatever our hearts desire, we can participate in a “global community exercise” which may bring far more viewers to that which we wish to share than our own site might. It is that desire to “belong” which gravitates us to these sites and makes over 100 million people per day visit YOUTUBE.
Simplicity. Demystification. Power of the People. Hmmm..funny how these are the themes that ICP SOLAR launched as part of our future innovations and messaging to our customers in 2006 and how its led to huge gains in consumer demand of our solar power products. We’ll give you even more power in 2007 in so many ways yet I believe that within the themes of belonging, giving, caring, simplicity and sharing we can collectively achieve that which we seek.
Many who seek their moment of fame, post their stuff onto these websites. What I push my team is to understand the needs and wants of today’s community and ensure that through the promotion of our solar power solutions we can collectively benefit.
YOU are the real stars and WE need to remember that.

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