Will $100 per barrel make a difference…

So at what point do people actively start to search for alternatives to fuel? When are they driven to ask themselves..is there another way?
It’s interesting to see the number of people suddenly driven to look at solar, when they previously found it a novelty and still “out there” in terms of choices. Website hits have grown 20% just in the last month alone. Calls to service lines are going nuts…but the problem is still there…supply is not able to match demand.
So add to this crazy situation fuel looking to go even higher than its current price, and you can see that its going to be a while before the cost of solar goes down…that is until capacity catches up or disruptive technologies that are not bogged down in the silicon bottleneck emerge.
For now, $100 a barrel fuel is looking quite possible and yet another driver of the industry. Now if only dealers could get panels to sell!
PS. CNN Update, August 31st. $4 per gallon predicted soon. Here comes the sun..


  1. Ron Swenson says:

    Matt Simmons has bet a NY Times columnist $5,000 that the _average_ price of oil in 2010 will be $200.
    Oil costs must keep rising. Wanna bet?
    The New York Times
    Dealers will get panels to sell when someone starts mass-producing panels. Are you interested in ramping up to 500 mw, Sass?

  2. Sass says:

    Anyone who would not want to scale up in this market would need to get their heads examined. We are indeed doing just that. So the answer is YES we are interested, but not in following the pack. IMHO, its disruptive technologies that must be looked at. Sunpower, Konarka…these are the companies to watch….as well of course as ICP!

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