Where the minds go..

Ever wonder how the triangle of educational institutions, government and industry are working together towards the promotion of environmental technologies?
Apart from research initiatives, where the brightest minds work together to develop new technologies, the fact is that industry can become a giant vacuum which exerts pressure on the educational institutions to change their curricula adapting it to the needs of the future and opportunities for their students in new areas.
That’s why if you start to hear more and more about universitites giving courses and special curriculum for renewable energies. In fact, if you read this article you’ll see it as a call to more activity of this sort so that the brightest minds can begin to enter our stream in masses as they do any other industrial target.
So I googled “renewable energy university” and the results were outstanding. Many institutions around the world are picking up the call to begin educating our youth in these new technologies and opportunities. When we therefore hear of the “costs of Kyoto” by those governments who refuse to sign on, perhaps they would be better off thinking of the “opportunities of Kyoto” to create new industries in their countries. Yes, it means short term pain for long term gain, and for governments which are elected for four years or less, its hard to think long term (ie. beyong getting yourselves elected again!).
That is why true leaders stand out. It’s because their vision connects with people at a base level of honesty. It is rare that we find them and when we do, even if they were ridiculed while in office for whatever reason, time tends to show them to be what they are..visionaries who held true to their outlook for a better world.
ICP Solar was very involved with universities years ago and is again ramping up such involvement as a way to help our communities (which are now growing since we have added locations in Madrid and soon Southern California with the finalization of the purchase of Discover Power). A global effort to help the youth of the world get the “solar bug”!

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