Purposeful design in the solar industry…

The concept of “designing to perfection” is the subject of an article today which quotes Steve Jobs as stating that he looks up to the inventor of the instant camera (polaroid) as an innovator to mimic.

Purposeful design starts from the thought of what would be the perfect product and moves back from there based on technology limitations. When we consider a solar canopy or an electric vehicle charger as the end products, purposeful design would ensure a cross-functional team is in the process, making sure that each part of concept is respected. From budget to customer inputs to operational limitations, all must be consulted from the beginning, yet the genesis idea usually comes from something like the innocence of the child who asked for her picture right away :).

Good leadership, in a project or product, will engage a team from the beginning of a process, not in the middle or end. It saves from doing the rework that each capacity within a team will bring out. Purposeful design also looks to touch a lovemark, something that will resonate with an audience and lead them to “love” not just like what you have created. Some may erroneously feel that this works only for consumer goods, yet look around you at the architecture of your favourite buildings and I can guarantee you that the architect sought to touch the users in their hearts, not just address their logical reasons for such designs.

Marketing is about touching the soul in a special way, without preaching. Its letting people see the connection between themselves and their products. Its what Steve Jobs does so well, and what I hope the team at sunlogics will employ. When we are purposeful in how we address a project, team or customer, it shows, and that passion is catchy….

Be purposeful in how you design whatever you are creating, and your customer will see a part of you in each of the things you put to market.


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