
As many use this period to look back, I invite you to try something else…look at now. The reality of the past is colored by the fact that nostalgia is often a good liar. So try something different, look at your present, your gift.

Now I say that using only one meaning, although I accept that at the Hallmark and Walmart Christmas, toys and material things are often what we call “present”. Yet try to see if you can look beyond your kid’s eyes or heart (if you are a parent) and tell me if you see anything more important in your world?

Recently, I had the pleasure to listen and watch CC Chapman, blogger and social media expert and developing fatherhood expert. An excerpt from his blog helped me understand just how powerful the internet has become as a place of gathering.

The word community used to be restricted to the physical one in which you could walk to, then drive to, and now surf too. We are connected in so many ways, through new tools, which permit this world to become one even faster than before, if we let it.

As a father, I am humbled to see so much wisdom shared by people all over, some for commercial gain, some simply in the hopes that their story will help someone see something they might now have, as CC said, we are often so myopic in view.

I am a blessed man today. I feel abundance in all. “Truesay” (as Ethan loves to tell me) I could have more of some things, and perhaps even less of others. Yet to love my reality is to make it all that it can be. I can’t list all the blessings I have without ranting on, yet let’s say that today I count at least four: Ethan, Justin, Joshua and Emma.

And I guess for me, its a special day as the birthday of my deceased-former-mother-in-law, Colette. She gave me a daughter who gave me these four kids. As part of the journey, and part of my family forever, she is missed. I can’t change our past, I can only love what she was kind enough to trust me with. I did the best I could at the time, as did she. Joyeuse Fete, Colette.

So enjoy your day with your kids if you have the chance. If you are not near them, let them know you are not that far. If they are no longer on this earth, remember them with love, they are now simply watching you from a place which you can’t see. And if they are unborn, try to prepare yourself for what comes, for the moment they come out into this world, your’s will be rocked like nothing else ever will.



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