The “President” of a solar company I know (who shall remain anonymous to protect a lot of great people that still work there) once said “mediocrity is ok”.
I just found the perfect response to his statement, written by Tom Asacker, branding guru and friend.
“The future belongs to those unwilling to accept the stifling status quo, to those who stay excited, puzzled, and surprised. It belongs to those child-like people who are constantly asking questions and wondering how things work, to the geniuses.”
To accept mediocrity is to accept status quos that are stiffling of excellence within companies. It does not mean that change should be shocking systems all day long, yet the moment you sit down and actually accept mediocrity, you are done like dinner….and from the lack of performance by the company this so-called “President” still leads, it looks like he still hasn’t gotten it. The marketplace will teach him a good lesson, of this he can be certain…
Leadership demands permission of others to fail by daring to try. It does not stiffle ingenuity it creates context for it in which to win for all.