History repeats itself…if you let it.

1. The old industrial giants in the US and other countries died because of a mentality that I have termed “the silos of secrecy”. New companies which adopt these mentalities will die just the same way.

2. The innovators are the ones that look at walls as simply being places to hang pictures on and the blockage of sharing. Egos must leave the building.

3. Use words like “its none of your business” to your line staff and soon enough, it won’t be, because they will leave.

4. Organizations that reigned by fear and “subordination” died. So will any new ones that retain beliefs that they must dominate their team rather than empower them.

5. Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to propel a brand. Brands that thought they stopped at a logo, funky marketing or ad campaign or collateral…died.

6. Deliver and shut up. Let the customer speak for you. There is a time and place to repeat your mantra. Pick them wisely.

7. Be uncompromising on your ethical principles, or forever compromise your organization and team.

8. A delinquence of delivery is never an excuse for poor communication. If you can’t do what you said you’d do, own up to it, rather than bury your head in the sand and make excuses. If you find yourself saying “its not my fault” to your team, then you clearly don’t understand the principle of leadership. Own up, own it, and then resolve to solve.

9. Some believe words are our currency. Without the actions backing them, that currency is worthless. Marketplace ministering is condescending and exploiting. Customer engagement and elevation is only path to true loyalty, and that will only happen by what you deliver, not what you say.

10. Bosses turn you off. Leaders turn you on. If you want your company to succeed, turn many more people on than you turn off.

11. Pigs don’t fly. Put people in the right place according to their skill set and passion. Failure to do so will lead to frustration amongst a team which has been set up to fail.

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