“Bush for Solar” Bumper Stickers?

I watched George Bush’s state of the union address last night with complete amazement. Here was the President from Texas promoting the idea that Americans needed to drop their “addiction” to oil? I must admit I did a double-take and yet then remembered that with Exxon and other oil companies reporting the largest profits in global corporate history, it’s pretty easy for anyone to throw up the “we need another solution” balloon (particularly when its draped in the flag of “foreign dependency”).
However, whether through rhyme or reason, the speech last night must have the effect of boosting the spirits of renewable energy businesses in the USA who have frankly had much less support than their counterparts in Japan or Germany. If through a combination of Governator Arnold’s plan and Mr. Bush’s new research initiatives, a spark is lit under the American renewable power industry’s flame, then who is to complain?
With oil prices continuing to rise, a Republican leader in office promoting solar power research and a Republican governor in the world’s 6th largest economy promoting solar power programs, we have a developing “perfect storm” to drive an American industry far higher than ever before.
In retrospect, I should have lent him ICP Solar’s slogan “Let our Power give you Freedom” for his speech!
Sass Peress


  1. Aaron Wadell says:

    I was excited too. Still need to see the $$s that are actually dedicated to the effort. I am hopeful that the U.S. will move from looking at this topic in a tactical way to addressing it strategically. President Bush’s mentioning of solar and our oil dependancy in his speach will go along way to raising the public’s awareness. Political and financial support will remain superficial until the public starts to speak up. Still, it was encouraging. Once the shift occurs we will be on our way! Maybe “Let Solar Power give you Freedom”!
    Regards and Happy New Year (belated)

  2. Ricardo says:

    Natural Resources Canada already has an acronym – REDI.
    Article written in October, 2004: http://www.davidsuzuki.org/Campaigns_and_Programs/Climate_Change/News_Releases/newsclimatechange10200401.asp
    There is talk about one of the east coast provinces looking into underwater turbines and Alberta has been using windmills for quite some time. Canada just seem like the country that will lead and set standards for renewable energies.

  3. Ricardo says:

    Yup, Hydro-Qubec rates going up by 5.3% – 28FEB06
    Could I ever put myself into a position where I can sell BACK excess electricity to my electricity provider?

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