We pay the price…while they settle personal scores…

If you’re wondering why exactly it is that we are paying horrendous increases in fuel prices at the gas station, or even why we are fighting a war in Libya, this story today gives a bit of insight.

Rebels are being led by Libyans that have scores to settle with Gadhafi. They will soon see better military training affect their internal war, all funded by the US Congress. I don’t seem to quite remember why it is we are there again…as opposed to countries like Cambodia where millions have been killed, or the Ivory Coast where today thousands are being killed in a civil war.

I guess the answer is quite simple: The CIA gets involved in the internal affairs of other countries where the USA has a strategic corporate interest, leaves when it is suitable and often gives us a legacy (such as Bin Laden) to deal with. That might explain why there were paid mercenaries from other african countries captured by the Libyan army in the early days of the war.

I just hope the legacy that comes of out of this latest foray is not too expensive for our children. Already I am wondering what to cut back because of the high price of gasoline…or is this another way to encourage solar power investment or electric vehicle adoption? Hmm..there are links to be speculated about, and there are links that are simply truth. Kudos to the one who can connect all of the dots on this one…


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