China Olympics Pollution Problems

The Olympic Committee finally woke up and admitted that some of the events at the 2008 China Olympics may be affected by the pollution problems their rampant growth has created.
I had blogged months ago that this would happen and here we are. Long events such as marathons and cycling will be most affected yet I wonder how athletes are going to feel knowing that the quality of the air will affect their abilities to achieve records?
This is the first evidence that uncontrolled economic growth, with wanton disregard for the environment, is going to cause havoc on the Olympics. Shall we guess what will be added as criteria to the selection committee’s list for the next ones?


  1. Cellintia says:

    Good afternoon. I live in Atlanta, GA and, I am attending the Olympics in China next year. However, could you please advise “want” industry or company is assisting with the pollution clean-up in China.
    Thank you,
    Mrs. Wilson
    Dear Mrs. Wilson,
    I am not aware of what companies or industries are directly assisting the Chinese organizers or governments in cleaning up pollution in China, whether in the location of the Olympics or not.
    I am aware that the government is taking certain actions (rotating power, environmental cleanups) that will try to alleviate the potential for pollution effects on the athletes. I hope you enjoy your trip!

  2. Don says:

    May I suggest a link related to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?
    Our site:
    Title: Beijing Olympics
    Please let me know if you want a link back.
    Many thanks for your reply.
    Best Regards,

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