ICP Solar

November 2, 2005

Pop, Pop, Fizz, Fizz….

…and you know the rest of the jingle! It’s like the day after the one before. What a relief! With a few glitches (will all be […]
November 1, 2005

Sunsei Solar Power Sunshine is rising…

Well, we are finally at the start line my team and I have been looking forward to for a long time. After months of strategizing, investigating, developing and now preparing to deliver a new brand, new products, new website and even many changes within our company... we made it. The start line to this "F1 race" was always defined by me as November 1st. Please take a look at the blog entry link below and let me know your thoughts on how you feel this new beginning can help grow our partnership. Or you can just go straight to www.icpsolar.com or www.sunseisolar.com and skip my blah blah... Regards Sass
October 21, 2005

Solar Suction

One of my pet peeves is seeing a whole bunch of portable solar chargers on the market for mobile phones that are designed without even a […]
September 23, 2005

Here comes the bride…

Isabel is getting married tomorrow. She’s my trusted assistant you may have read about in earlier blog entries. I can’t imagine ICP without her and yet […]