
May 2, 2016

The values of a Millenial generation, and how it will affect everything from mobility to finance to energy to retail…

People in particular industries are framing the argument between new entrants vs established players as a very personal issue of what societies want. Well, they are […]
September 4, 2015

Trump’s “location” strategy…

The essence of any real estate deal is to have the vision of what to do with specific locations. If you have a vision beyond others, […]
May 11, 2015

Second time around…

I seem to be having a few “deja vu’s” recently and it gave me pause to think this weekend about how history can repeat itself when […]
April 14, 2015

How using different language can help us unify around environmental initiatives.

I had an interesting lunch with a cousin of mine in NYC last week. He is a proud Republican (nothing wrong with that 😉 ) and […]