California takes lead in carbon reduction incentives

This week marks a major milestone in California where 2013 has been earmarked for the start of a revolutionary incentive programs to help “dirty energy” producers reduce carbon footprints through a set of incentives.

As I prepare to return home from a week of exploration into the future of the solar power world, it is fitting that this news comes to confirm what I believe to be true….a social contract will soon exist at all levels between corporations and their impact on our environment. Consumers will be made aware of those companies that engage in such contracts, yet more importantly the purpose of such initiatives WILL include profitability impacts for corporations who have shareholders they must report to.

As we begin to put clearer value sets to such behavior of corporations, and as consumers begin to be made aware of such corporations changes of behavior, this becomes yet another tool by which we will measure which brands we wish to do business with, and which we don’t.


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