
September 7, 2005

Hurray Hybrids!

Green cars are coming of age. Now with gas hitting $4 per gallon in the USA, consumers are looking to environmental technologies more seriously. This puts the onus on the producers of environmental technologies to graduate from "gadget status" to "real world" deliverables. You will see a flood of news on hybrid cars and renewable power now that the american nation has joined the rest of the world in paying high gas prices. Its' a mark that won't go away even if prices abate back to previous levels. Click on the link for more... Sass
September 6, 2005

David and Goliath

ICP Solar welcomed a new and important member today. He’s David Johnston, former VP Operations at Ballard Power and Chief Operating Officer at Ballard’s Stationary Power […]
September 4, 2005

Dear George…

I saw George Bush today counting the number of water bottles, beds, blankets, being rushed to New Orleans and I just had to wonder..what if all […]
September 3, 2005

Friends are chosen…

They say that friends are god’s way of apologizing for relatives. The fact is that in today’s world, the term “family” has taken on so much […]