MIT and the paper solar cell

MIT has discovered a way to print solar cells on paper. This is not knew (printing on flexible substrate) what is new is the use of paper as a substrate.

Now while the efficiency of the cells is now maxed out at 2% it simply reminds me that while much of the world is focused on rooftops, there are so many other uses for power yet unexplored because there is no source that this kind of revolutionary cell needs revolutionary thinking. You won’t power a roof for a home much with that type of efficiency, yet we need to use the imagination to find applications for such novel ways of creating power. The microchip industry got out of the box to create multitude new uses when the cost of making them went way down. That’s what happens with power too.



  1. Vinzenz Leutloff says:

    Sounds like a candidate for a merger, when they finished their science.

    Nevertheless I have very practical questions that you may also should consider as marketing arguements.

    How much Co2 saves 1Kilowatt/hour Solar energy compared with gas, oil, wood and other ?

    Furthermore how much coal, oil has to be burned in power plant for 1 Kilowatt/hour ? So this would be the savings with ICP Solar techs, right?

    And honestly I am also interested in these figures, because I do not know how efficient the ICP solar products are.

    May be it turns out that they are very environmental friendly and exactly what american households and companies need to reduce emissions and resource consumption.

    But as long it is written nowhere then nobody can know. Unfortunately.

    Therefore please provide some figures.

  2. even with the price drop, solar cells are still quite expensive if you want to get more than 500 Watts ,

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