
July 6, 2005

The Suns of change are shining…

Here I am at Lac a L’eau Claire, in Quebec, Canada, attending the annual ICP Solar Sales and Marketing sessions. At these pow-wows, our teams from […]
July 3, 2005

Kenya, a shining example of standards..

You might not yet know this, but Kenya has one of the most developed off-grid solar power markets in the world. Tens of thousands of Kenyan […]
June 30, 2005

Solutions vs Opportunities

OK, so everyone’s starting to get on this “offer them solutions, not products” bandwagon. We see it everywhere we go now in the marketing of services […]
June 29, 2005

Solar Birthday

Turning 45 years of age today, I woke up to Sunshine (that’s the name of our golden retriever). Its also describes how my wife and kids […]